Get Your Dunkin Tuesday

It's full on wedding planning time. The lady and I are getting hitched in less than 6 months and we're just awaiting the Save the Dates to put it in full gear. Designers...always behind schedule. Anyway, we're pumped and taking a mini-vacation on Thursday to wine country in Santa Barbara. Hopefully it will give us some time to just escape and relax. Couples massage? Sounds nice.

Here are your highlights:

Asian student, jumped, beaten and bullied. All captured on camera. This is a disgusting display. I hope those involved go to prison as soon as possible.

Those ATM fees, gonna get worse

Something lighter, Pillow Talk

Romney and taxes

2012 it matters more than you think. What's at Stake in this Election


P.S. If you know anything about the violent crime in Chicago, please contact the Chicago authorities.


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