Get Your Dunkin Friday
Well I'm beat. We did our first dinner shift at a bar in Hollywood last night. It rocked, it rolled and it was fun. A couple of my buddies showed up and that was doubly awesome. We stayed open late, so I got home around 2 in the morning. It's like being on a moving restaurant! This weekend we're excited as the truck was invited to the Abbot Kinney Festival in Venice. So this Sunday 10-6, come on by and say "Hello!" Also starting today and running for a month I'll have the "Donate" button below each post. It's the Fall fund drive. I love writing this blog and will continue, if you could be so kind and make a donation to keep Frank eating and raging : ) it be much appreciated. We've got a big year coming up and I'd love to expand what I do here. With your help that can be possible. Thanks and all my love.
Here are your highlights:
Rick Perry looking perrty terrible right now. Now walking back the whole Social Security is Unconstitutional nonsense. Welcome to the big leagues, Rick!
America's Failing Infrastructure, if you complain about your crappy roads, here's why
New music video for the cutest couple/band, Mates of State "Palomino"
LA County approves transportation jobs
Uh-oh, looks like someone is in trouble: UK lawyers to start News Corp legal action in U.S.
Conservatives Hit Panic Button, apparently while I was working last night there was a GOP debate...and it didn't look too good. Not good at all to the point where it seems the GOP is worried about there chances having a candidate who doesn't sound completely nuts. Who would have thought? OH AND THE CROWD BOOED A GAY SOLDIER!
Fall Fund Drive: Please donate if you can & thank you for being awesome!