Well Done Wisconsin

It's just the beginning! Congrats to the two new Dem Senators Jessica King and Jennifer Shilling. And of course there has to be a tad bit of controversy. ACORN! NEW BLACK PANTHER PARTY! Nope, Ke$ha county....


Democrats defeated Republican state Sen. Dan Kapanke, who represented the most Dem-leaning seat of any Republican in the chamber, by a 55%-45% margin. They also won a 51%-49% victory over state Sen. Randy Hopper, whose campaign was also damaged by a messy divorce, and allegations by his estranged wife that he "now lives mostly in Madison" after having an affair.

This would get Democrats from their previous 19-14 minority, following the 2010 Republican wave, to a 17-16 margin. In two more safe Republican districts, incumbents Robert Cowles and Sheila Harsdorf won by margins of 60%-40% and 58%-42%, respectively.

But in the two remaining toss-ups, Democrats have lost close calls. State Sen. Luther Olsen won by a margin of 52%-48%. At time of writing the Associated Press had yet to officially call the District 8 race for incumbent state Sen. Alberta Darling, but other accounts indicated she would emerge the winner.

Also next week are two recalls targeting incumbent Democrats Robert Wirch and Jim Holperin. However, both Wirch and Holperin have significantly out-fundraised their challengers, and are at least favored to hold on -- but in this polarized environment, anything is possible.

Democrats were already crying foul in the Darling race, due to late returns in heavily Republican Waukesha County -- the same place where, during the April state Supreme Court race, the declared discovery of an election night computer error gave several thousand votes and a margin of victory to conservative Justice David Prosser.


It's quite a feat to take down two incumbents in Republican districts make no mistake about that. As Nate Silver tweeted:

Dems would be silly not proceed with Walker recall based on tonight. The results project to a toss-up if you extrapolate out statewide.

This is what we need, none of this blame Obama, or blame teh internets or the media. Get it done with progressive activism. 2012 is going to be a helluva fight and I'd like to thank Scott Walker, the Koch brothers and their ilk for that.

I am Frank Chow and I approved this message


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