Ah, Cynicism

Digby takes it to a new level:

Wow. This is a great way to make this vote for The Deal a nearly sacred act:

@Rep_Giffords Gabrielle has returned to Washington to support a bipartisan bill to prevent economic crisis. Turn on C-SPAN now

Giffords being there adds a poignancy to the whole thing that will take the sting out of the horror. I don't know whose idea it was, but it's very clever.

Probably not Digby's finest hour...it could be, perhaps, that Giffords wanted to be there to cast her vote.

The official press release via TPM:


Congresswoman travels to Washington to support bipartisan bill to avoid default

WASHINGTON - U.S. Rep. Gabrielle Giffords returned to Congress today to vote in favor of legislation that will avoid a default by the U.S. government.

It was the first vote she has cast since she was shot and critically wounded on Jan. 8 while meeting with her constituents in Tucson.

"I have closely followed the debate over our debt ceiling and have been deeply disappointed at what's going on in Washington," Giffords said. "After weeks of failed debate in Washington, I was pleased to see a solution to this crisis emerge. I strongly believe that crossing the aisle for the good of the American people is more important than party politics. I had to be here for this vote. I could not take the chance that my absence could crash our economy."

In December 2009 and again in February 2010, Giffords refused to go along with an increase in the debt limit. But this vote was substantially different, with the strength of the U.S. economy hanging in the balance.

Gabrielle Giffords should be applauded
for her strength and resilience. Her return to Congress shouldn't be sullied by the heinous Congress that just put us through this manufactured debt crisis. She has earned the right of having the benefit of the doubt.

I am Frank Chow and I approved this message


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