Get Your Dunkin Tuesday

I am feeling a little better today, but still wary about pushing myself too hard at the moment. I woke up this morning and cooked myself one egg and two egg whites with a bit of Mexican chili powder, topped it with salsa and set it on a bed of toast. Delicious. I am trying to add variety to my meals this week to prevent my body from getting used to any one meal. So far it is hard being inventive with such restrictions set out by the diet plan. Perhaps today will be a "search Food Network day."

Here are your highlights:

Volckler rule might be optional?

This is getting to be a fucking issue, Wall St. getting some bonuses

Convention Superstition, AUSTERITY!!

Dave Weigel gets a job!

Uh-oh Kagan doesn't think the Founding Fathers were perfect...

Obama and the WH getting Lucy'd left and right. What an effing surprise.



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