Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Get Your Dunkin Wednesday

Tonight is Laughing Liberally! Rain or shine my fellow communist-pinko friends will be blessing an audience with their ability to make you laugh till you pee. Yes, graphic but true. I and my lady will be in attendance, so if you want to come and say hi please do. Just don't sneak up on me or I will get all ninja-like on dat ass. In a couple of days I will be older and depressed. Yesh, my birthday is around the corner. Not sure how I feel about that, but luckily my lady has been more than kind to me already and we will be getting Dim Sum in Chinatown. For this old guy, that sounds perfect.

Here are your highlights:

What is going on in Greece?

The fact people might be agreeing is scarier. Joe Lieberman's Fascist Solution

When the Right takes offense for the WRONG reasons

Nashville floods means devastation for many including the Ole Opry

The Nation gets a redesign
(much better, but they should have tested it in Firefox)

Time to get focus and WONK OUT. Think Progress provides daily links to feed your wonkish delights. If you want to do what all the cool kids do, visit this daily. Plus a great link to the fear Elizabeth Warren instills in the big banks.


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