Friday, May 7, 2010

Get Your Dunkin Friday

Friday! Which means? I get older in a couple of days. True story. The lady has already treated me to new clothes, but apparently she has more around the corner. Honestly, she doesn't have to, however I appreciate it. I am one lucky guy. At this point in my life birthdays only matter when they are milestones; 30, 40, 50 and so on. So this year to me is just one year closer to a milestone!!! WOOHOO!!! I am excited for our dinner on Saturday, I chose Blue 13 in River North. The lady and I saw it on Check Please a while back and I loved the idea of fine dining with a punk rock aesthetic. I am super pumped to try the Lobster Pizza and some strange dish entitled "Steak and Eggs on Acid."

Here are your highlights:

Job Growth in April, but I fear the Obama administration has moved on. Line item spending cuts trump 9.9% unemployment? NOT GETTING IT!

Wall St. Chaos! Caused by a typo...oh and Greece

Real Uhmerikans favor Martial Law

HOLY CRAP THIS IS AWESOME. Street Fighter: Legacy

The Notebook: Boxing weekend has an intriguing match-up in Williams vs. Cintron

Banking Industry Pull with Democrats. The reality of our broken system. Our Congress is bought and sells us policies processed by the industry which fund their campaigns.


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