Thursday, April 8, 2010

Get Your Dunkin Thursday

Last night was the Asian American Showcase in Chicago and it was, not gonna lie, kind of cool. I have never seen myself on the big screen and for the short period of time I did watch it gave me butterflies. The lady was kind enough to give me encouragement and seeing the short motivates me to want to do more films. You never know what is going to happen, but I have to at least give it my best. There were many other talented artists and shorts showcased all with unique perspectives and expressions. It was great to see an audience out to support local filmmakers in the community and even better to know such a great festival has been running now for 15 years. Speaking of Asian AND Awesome, wtf is this video? Whitney Houston? Counter tenor? Heck yeah. Give it an ear, I think this guy might be the next international singing sensation. No matter what, dude has pipes!

Here are your highlights:

Obama and Medvedev sign nuclear arms treaty

Global Climate Change: Two more glaciers melt in Glacier Park

The shoe bomber that wasn't, had this guy not seen Meet the Parents?

Headslamondesk: Kevin Drum gives us the Chart of the Day. America when polled = stupid

Mom knows best

I don't watch American Idol much, but I have seen Tim perform enough to know he is a joke and no talent ass clown. Why in God's name would people vote of Big Mike? And not kick off Tim? WHYYYYYYY!!!!!??!!!!

Obama has an "assassination program" and Greenwald goes the "no opinions but mine are rational" approach, while TAPPED contributor Sewer seems to be making a report, which makes him as bad as Bush supporters of course. Greenwald might think he is the only one screaming at the world for its insanity, but he isn't. The program if it is used at all is objectionable for its complete and utter contradiction to teh branches of our government and our due process. I will add that the idea that Olbermann and Greenwald are now accepting any Bush official word on Bush administration standards for assassination is laughable. (Sorry, but that is what I do) Olbermann and Greenwald for years have been champions of revealing the many injustices of the Bush administration and accounting for their lies, however here they are using the previous administrations word to further their contention with the current administration. It is farcical.


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