Monday, August 10, 2009

Get Your Dunkin Monday

just in case you missed it...Where the Wild Things Are, the latest trailer

What a weekend. Frank was super busy, saw Bamford with the lady and friends, then did some super ninja stuff and got dehydrated in the process. Thanks to the care of the lady I got my ninjatorade and am now in super high kicking action! Did I miss anything annoying this weekend? Yep I did and I am not just talking about Lollacraplooza festival. I am talking about lies, lies and more lies and those that write those lies. This week is eventful, but luckily a little slower than last week. So MORE RAGE. MORE OFTEN!!

Here are your highlights:

Dear journalists do your job and report the misinformation as misinformation and force the Repubs to have a healthy debate, Dear Democrats here is how you handle it going forward

David Brooks "they are all crazies" and yes he is talking about the Leader of Republican Party Russshhhhhh

A Touchable Hologram can only mean one thing....SORCERY!

In local news our young hockey starPatrick Kane will most likely get away with being a drunk asshole to a we will see if he has Roethlisberger abilities to deflect "false" accusations

Robert Reich worries that the lobbyists and corporations run the Gov, yep too late to worry Robert wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy too late


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