
Showing posts from 2013

Off the Grid

Jury Duty. I can't talk about it. Chow!

Jury Duty

I got called in...again. This time it maybe for real. Day two. Luckily I get to read this : Chow!

Get Your Dunkin Wednesday

And I'm baaaaack. It was a long trip and much I don't want to relive, but we made it and the kids got married. Success! I decided once I got back from being in Michigan that I needed a vacation from my "vacation." Michigan wasn't really my scene. Grand Haven was like walking on the set of the Truman Show. Anyway, here I am back to blogging and now we have Syria which feels like Iraq War redux, but a bit different. The economy isn't much better and oh yeah, the GOP still is batshizzzz crazy. Good things don't change. Here are your highlights: 50th anniversary of the March on Washington Yosemite Fire . It's sad that we still are so helpless against forest fires Welfare and drugs tests -- dear conservatives you're wrong RG3 is starting - now who wants opening day tickets?! I've got some for sale! Cool concept, Trunk Club for Men The flood gates will be opened by activist judges Syria, not even the Arab League wants intervention ...

Off to Michigan

We're off to Michigan tomorrow morning. First stopping in Chicago for a night then driving to Grand Haven, MI. I'm finishing my work week, Day 6, on my feet and still rocking out. Maybe we'll remember this time to take pictures. Hold down the fort ya'll. (this soundtrack rocks so hard) I am Frank Chow and I approved this message

From the Mix Tape - Daughter

Youth . A simple beautiful arrangement with a haunting vocal. Enjoy! Chow!

Get Your Dunkin Friday

The Daily Show with Jon Stewart Get More: Daily Show Full Episodes , The Daily Show on Facebook This bit is sad because it's the best reporting on our current financial system all year. Not one news organizations has the balls to stand up to our over lords. Till then they'll keep getting away with it. Here are your highlights: DEMographics It's really simple to fix the Post Office - quit letting the GOP purposely ruin it GOP Gated Community Yup, we're doomed Early good signs from the Redskins in their pre-season game  Congress is losing some of its best staffers cuz the crazy is thick Upgrading my ladies ring , heck and maybe mine Chow!

Get Your Dunkin Thursday

Off to this thing where they make me say my name and smile in a camera. Chow!

Get Your Dunkin Wednesday

Needed to take a step back and relax. Still not happening. Michigan in a week. It'll be nice to have a small vacation...even if it's for a wedding. Here are your highlights: Report: Al Qaeda has a "Legion of Doom" Obama cancels on Putin -- anyone else thinking Snowden was a spy? Jay Bilas exposes NCAA and their amateur nonsense American sometimes you are just embarrassing Greats Sneakers I grew up in the DC Area. The Post was a staple growing up . Over the years it became less and less about news and reporting and more about tossing the political football. I don't care for what it's become. If it weren't for Greg Sargent, Eugene Robinson and the occasional Ezra Klein post -- I'd never read it. Chow!

Get Your Dunkin Friday

The Daily Show with Jon Stewart Get More: Daily Show Full Episodes , Indecision Political Humor , The Daily Show on Facebook This segment is one of the best during the John Oliver run. Sums up everything wrong with our current economic culture and discourse. It's Friday! Here are your highlights: Job growth still sluggish Dems still well depressingly uncompetitive Grumpy Cat  Steve McQueen's Pioneer Moon Ranch - awesome Congress is till worthless QOTD Chow!

Get Your Dunkin Thursday

We're beginning the early stages of pre-production on our first project. I've got the scripts, the talent and now it's time to start looking at logistics. That'll be my day. I moved here two years ago with a hope to putting together new and fresh projects -- it's happening. Slowly but surely. I'm hoping to share with you all the latest thing I've done. That's in post right now. Hollyweird ya'll. Hollyweird. Here are your highlights: 50, 000 pounds of beef recalled Well this is a dream beer home 30-day suspension for gun crazed police chief The not so good news about the economy -- the Sequestration and Stupid GOP "do nothing" Congress are ruining everything You sir are now graffiti Chow!

Get Your Dunkin Wednesday

Hump day. That the Lord I've got tomorrow off. Here are your highlights: U.S. Economy Surprises Bradley Manning, he broke 16 laws GOP shutdown scheme faces reality The in-fight of the Republican Party, it's not good for America SENTINELS! The unique RG3 . It seems he handles pressure in an uncanny way. Here's to hoping he has a full and healthy recovery and isn't rushed into this season. Chow!

Get Your Dunkin Tuesday

You don't reward bad behavior. Yet here we are post-recession with CEOs and Wall St giants making millions of dollars in bonuses. I don't think they've learned a single lesson and it's disheartening to say the least. So don't reward more bad behavior . *Le Sigh. Just give people jobs or stacks of cash already. This is also how I feel about work right now. Anyway... Here are your highlights: Doctors increasingly mess up your back more Incas drugged their sacrifices Hillary Clinton just got hot The sad state of crazy representatives like Steve King  Economics: Triumph of the Doves The GOP hates the gov't even more so when they're in charge Chow!

This New Pope

Is something special thus far. And I say thus far because it's so early in his tenure. It will be that much harder for bigots to justify their distaste for teh gay when the Pope states he doesn't judge. It amazes me how much one man can change so much in so little time; Pope Francis with his kindness, his simplicity has done just that. I sit in mass every Sunday and there seems to be a new revelation -- almost a relief amongst the clergy -- to hear a Pope preach love and understanding. We are our each other's keeper. Life is much richer when we care for one another. It seems this Pope gets that and it's something we Catholics, old and new, have been wanting. I am Frank Chow and I approved this message

Get Your Dunkin Monday

The weekend went by way too fast. I'm starting to think I should request off every other Saturday. Forget this working the weekend noise...oh wait I work retail. Oh bother. Here are your highlights: No surprise here, Congress won't act on VRA injustice  Pope Francis offers another welcomed change Yeah, the car craze killed the logical public transit system Obamacare works Well this is one way to bike Boxing Round-Up Chow!

Get Your Dunkin Friday

In a rush! Here are your highlights: North Carolina dives head first into restricting voting rights What's with this San Diego mayor...? God decides to get into the payday lender business Job creation , you idiots The scary part for Republicans is that Obamacare will most likely work Yup this happened Chow!

Get Your Dunkin Thursday

Alright, it's Thursday. Passed the hump and time to dance! Here are your highlights: The GOP and the albatross of white racial panic Texas v the Justice Department - yup, VRA was needed Easy, simple technology Chromecast Federal Reserve Chairman who will be the next pick? Hopefully not Larry  U.S. beats Honduras moves onto Gold Cup final The Republicans are trying to sabotage Obamacare  -- when people tell me "both sides" it's stuff like this that I point out. We're dealing with an extreme flank of an unstable party. They are not living in the same reality and they're perfectly okay having Americans suffer. But yeah Obama's tone was mean once, so it's even, right? Chow!

Get Your Dunkin Wednesday

PBO is making a speech on the economy today. He should talk about the obstruction of the Congress, the lack of infrastructure in this country, public education, green jobs and stimulus checks to the 98% of us out here who don't use bottles of Ace of Spades as props. Sadly, until we kick the GOP out of the majority in Congress, nothing great will be accomplished. Anyone who doesn't show up to vote next year is to blame if you ask me. How's that for the Hump Day blues? Here are your highlights: The GOP is going to go all in on repealing Obamacare including a shut down... California high court refuses to stop gay marriages Early bubble in the housing market ? Bank thieves  -- the way we treat our less fortunate is unfortunate The frightening future if the GOP wins the House, the Senate and the Presidency Chow!

Get Your Dunkin Tuesday

Trying to limit my carbs makes me rage. Here are your highlights: Cities are safer Harry Reid will not go down as the most clever Leader Detroit by the numbers Mike Lee is nucking futs Stone Special Release: Farking Wheaton wOOtstout   -- one of the best releases I've had from Stone in a while. Rich and flavorful and 13.8%! Yes, it knocked me back a bit. Chow!

Get Your Dunkin Monday

I was off the grid most of last week. Mainly, because the Trayvon Martin result wore me out. I raged on Twitter for a bit, but the heartless and sociopathic responses of many was downright disgusting. I'm well rested now and ready to focus on the week ahead. I wanted to give a shout out to Paddy K who passed his French exam and will now be shipping off to the luxurious Mauritius. We wish him and his family the best of luck! We'll miss ya buddy! Here are your highlights: NY craft distillery boom Gun rights zealots want to buy Zimmerman a new gun Reminder: the GOP doesn't want a better economy LEGO Back to the Future Scalia has "jumped the shark" Chow!

Snowden Roulette

The guy has spun his wheel and it's landed on Russia: MOSCOW (AP) — Edward Snowden plans to seek asylum in Russia, a Parliament member who was among those meeting with the NSA leaker said Friday. Duma member Vyacheslav Nikonov told reporters of Snowden’s intentions after he and a dozen other prominent officials and activists met with Snowden in the transit zone of Moscow’s Sheremetyevo airport, where Snowden has been marooned since June 23. Snowden is believed to have been stuck in the airport’s transit zone since arriving from Hong Kong on June 23, as he negotiates for asylum in another country. The activists included Sergei Nikitin, head of Amnesty International’s Russia office, and Tatiana Lokshina, deputy head of the Russian office of Human Rights Watch. Also taken into the meeting room were Russia’s presidentia l human rights ombudsman Vladimir Lukin, prominent attorney Genri Reznik, and Nikonov. Nothing says principles like hiding out in a country ruled by mobsters a...

Losing Hope - North Colorado

It's things like this that lead me to believe...we're headed toward an Idiocracy. TPM: Representatives from 10 rural Colorado counties met this week to draw up plans for a 51st state they call "North Colorado," where they dream gun and oil laws will be more lax, Denver television station KCNC reported. The secessionist movement grew out of its organizers' frustration with state lawmakers passing restrictions on guns and the oil and gas industry, as well as raising renewable energy standards for rural co-ops, according to KCNC. The counties would need the approval of voters, the Colorado General Assembly and U.S. Congress to secede and form "North Colorado," according to the television station. Should the secession plan fail, county commissioners could propose a ballot initiative that would alter the state Senate so that each of Colorado's 64 counties would have its own senator to represent its interests. “We need to figure out (a) way to re...

Get Your Dunkin Tuesday

There's a lot to do. So much time so little to do...wait reverse that. Here are your highlights: The Supreme Court has unleashed the voter suppression  Progress on gay marriage Anyone defending health care companies at this point, kindly slam your head on your desk Pre-Fourth of July fireworks GGG is for real  A righteous rant by No More Mister Nice Blog, I Owe My Soul to the Company's Banker -- more of this needs to be said. I don't care about Snowden. I care about the ordinary people being screwed daily by our overlords. Chow!

Back, Back to Cali Cali

I'm back from vacation. I arrived Tuesday into the hellish LAX, the hellish LA traffic and went to my job (not as hellish) red shirt and all. I was up for almost 24 hours straight before downing my Johnny Drum and calling it a night. Welcome back indeed. Vacation was great. We went to the unknown world of Albuquerque. Dined on their nondescript green and red chile, saw our friends get married and danced the night away. Hopped a flight to Chicago stayed with a dear friend's family, then crashed at Longman & Eagle (a Chicago fine establishment), and watched the Blackhawks blow a game (WE DID IT STANLEY CUP-- days later). Followed that up with a train ride in business class, cuz that's how we do, enjoyed the scenery of rural Illinois and arrived in Mattoon, IL unscathed for the most part. We got some boating in. The weather decided to play fortune's fool. It was nice one second, "Day After Tomorrow" the next. The wife's bf's wedding went off witho...

Heading on Vacation

We're heading to Albuquerque for a wedding, then Chicago for a couple of days, followed by a trip to Central Illinois (for another wedding). Somewhere along the way we're going to celebrate our one year wedding anniversary and relax on a boat. These past couple of days have been quite stressful, but it's over and I get to breathe. When I return hopefully we'll have some cool pictures to share with you all. Oh and the Mrs. bought an IPad happy anniversary to us! Sucky blogging to ensue for the next ten days. Not far from what you're currently accustomed to... Chow!

Hump Day Music - CHVRCHES -- The Mother We Share (Live)


Get Your Dunkin Tuesday

It's been a scramble since Friday. I've been writing and writing some more. Maybe I'll be able to explain in due time. It's Hollywood ya'll. Here are your highlights: Obama calls GOP out on judge nominees Both sides do it Aurora movie shooting update, j udge to rule Chris Christie about to find out how much love he really has from the Right Electricity and Wolverine claws, what could go wrong? Chow!

It's Thursday

Weird. My days are all askew since I had Sunday and Monday off for the holiday. It's been a rough week. I've been dealing with managing the store while not being the store manager for quite some time. Looks like they'll be bringing in some outside hire, fine by me, just in the interim I'm doing the work. On top of that I'm lacking sleep. I can't seem to settle down and relax. The bright side to this is -- I'm almost done with the first season of Game of Thrones . Lil Sis Frank was kind enough to lend me her dvds. I must say it's a compelling and well done show. Also too, nerds and swords. No Dunkin today, but I had to share one link: The Questions People Get Asked About Their Race Its hilarity only slightly eclipsed by its sadness. Good job NPR. I am Frank Chow and I approved this message

Get Your Dunkin Friday

John Stewart sums up how I feel right now. Our priorities as a nation are skewed. At least it's Friday. Here are your highlights: Leaks and the First Amendment Interesting archaeological find, Submerged Structure  China's Air Pollution should be a warning to all Our ever failing infrastructure it can be solved you know with gov't action and guess what it CREATES JOBS! Replace gay with black and these responses sound familiar  18th Annual Asian American Showcase in Chicago . This is where my career as a film actor began. It runs May 18-30th. Enjoy! Chow!

Get Your Dunkin Thursday

I got a lot done yesterday. Working on a new project. Looking forward to rockin out...oh wait work in a bout an hour. Here are your highlights: Terror in Britain Welp, Weiner is running for mayor and people don't support him Eric Garcetti new mayor of LA Harry Reid again talking about filibuster reform Did the world almost end in 1983? Get your very own Daft Punk helmet  Chow!

Get Your Dunkin Wednesday

Thoughts and prayers go out to those in Oklahoma . If you can donate to the American Red Cross directly and skip all the gimicks. Whenever a natural disaster hits I think of living by the California...and when we get an earthquake tremor my heart stops a bit. We're but small specs on this great big planet. Here are your highlights: Meet Virginia: E.W. Jackson , their very own Allen West -- completely nuts Helicopters with money The joke that is the Tea Party About that deficit b.s. Immigration will it die in the House ? Obama at Morehouse has opened up a lot of feelings . It's an interesting debate, one filled with a complex history. Chow!

Ninja Thought

Those who think they matter oft forget those who they say matter I am Frank Chow and I approved this message

Get Your Dunkin Tuesday

We're basically doing CrossFit at work right now. Moving tons of boxes of wine and shifting a ton of items around. I'm sore from head to toe. Back at it in a couple of hours...oh joy. Here are your highlights: Oklahoma the devastation and searching for survivors  OK Senator Tom Coburn is just as a big of a jerk to his own constituents  Apple is bad I've been saying this for awhile now on the Tweet machines, all these faux-scandals will rally people around Obama What do Superman and Batman smell like? Support independent projects! My Gimpy Life , voted one of the top web series, is trying to make a Season 2. They have a Kickstarter up and need your support. Check it out! Chow!

Get Your Dunkin Monday

Anybody know how to switch this over to Wordpress? Anyone have any skillz? Hit me up. I'm thinking it's time for a makeover. Here are your highlights: Maureen Dowd has been writing the same column for eight years While Wall St sits on stacks of cash, the poor continue to struggle Make them suffer is the neocon motto I think I'm switching to the dark side of the force Monday Matthyse Boxing Round-Up Virginia GOP has lost its damn mind . I can't tell you how embarrassing it is to say I'm from Virginia. Oh wait, I'm not. I'm from Northern Virginia -- I'm from D.C. Phew. Chow!

Get Your Dunkin Tuesday

Wow, what a clusterf*ck yesterday. I thought all news dumps were supposed to happen on Friday and get swept under the rug. Is it me or is all of it rather small? I'm don't care about the IRS "scandal", to me it makes sense after the Freedomworks debacle. It looks like the AP thing is more about AP and I already forgot what else I'm supposed to be angry about... Here are your highlights: Dick Cheney still evil still stupid They've tried for over four years to pin Obama as corrupt and black Six Retailers Sign to Upgrade Factories GOP outreach Reality Check on scandalmania Austerity Kills Literally Chow!

Get Your Dunkin Friday

And I'm back. It's a been a long week. Luckily, yesterday I had the day off and celebrated my 32nd birthday with my amazing wife. We slept in, she made pancakes, we went to LACMA (saw an awesome Kubrick exhibit) and then had a decadent meal at Anima l. Yes the name of the restaurant is Animal and it was probably the best meal I've had in LA. All in all it was just what the doctor ordered. Here are your highlights: Carbon Dioxide levels at dangerous high West Texas explosion gets creepy The goodness of a Joe Biden gaffe Friday boxing mailbag Megan Fox as April O'Neil in TMNT makes me beyond angry Good news on jobs Chow!

Get Your Dunkin Monday

It's my birthday week and it's a busy one. Work has me hopping around to different places for training. I'm in the midst of figuring out what to do about my representation for acting and I supposed to be filming Tuesday and Wednesday on a new project. I kind of like being busy so I forget how old I will be... Here are your highlights: NRA Vendor has a "Obama" target New York to sue Bank of America and Wells Fargo over mortgage packages Why Israel Bombed Syria Someone watched "In the Line of Fire" and thought cool we should market that! *Headdesk Welp, Mayweather dominated . I was in the camp of "I hope he ages tonight" -- he's a brilliant boxer and a terrible role model WANT: Balcony Grill Chow!

Get Your Dunkin Wednesday

Let's do this! Here are your highlights: 3 More in Custody in Boston case Apparently our fore fathers were cannibals ... Yup, our masses are stupid  -- Wolverines! Speaking of stupid, Maureen Dowd Stop giving children guns Probably gonna taste like the ocean, Shipwreck Whiskey This Mom wins the day ! Illustrative Napkins Chow!

Get Your Dunkin Tuesday

I'm so glad it's Tuesday. I hate Monday at work now. I literally stare at a computer all day while still on my feet. It's not ideal. I'm not much of an "office hours" guy, hence the retail career path. On Monday's though it's scheduling and office day in the booze world; it's something I can do without. Today is a day off, time to work out and then write. Here are your highlights: It's refreshing having a Commander in Chief who is not eager to jump into war -- for no good reason The Boston investigation gets wider CNN to release a morning show, "New Day" Bonddad Blog for the win! Take that austerity asshats! Ok, the deficit is not the problem , can we start creating jobs now?! Heartwarming story of the week, an athlete chooses bone marrow donation over his career Chow!

Get Your Dunkin Monday

And it's Monday. Already here and back into action. Lots going on that hopefully I'll be able to share in the near future. Till then enjoy these awesome links! Here are your highlights: Too little too late, Justice O'Connor says she kind of sort of regrets her vote on Gore v Bush NBA player comes out Boston bombing: Misha turns up Republicans propose bullet sequester , it might be one of the craziest moves to date Chew doesn't look like it'll be made into a tv show, did racebending have something to do with it?  Former lawmakers research ET A look at the Redskins Draft Chow!

Get Your Dunkin Friday

Off to work again. Looks like I might be signing onto a new web series for an episode...cross your fingers! Looking forward to Sunday, some time to rest and beer! Here are your highlights: Jon Stewart on George W. Bush Library When the GOP makes cuts, it hurts our first responders   Boston included Shorter Congress, rich guys can't feel the sequestration pain Worst Idea Ever -- there's a theme this week, we're run by selfish assholes Notes on the economy , housing shows strong signs and yes the gubbament need to spend (see above) NFL DRAFT : The mighty Redskins will be picking today, be on the look out as we build a stronger team around RG3 and our gaping holes in the secondary Chow!

Get Your Dunkin Thursday

Car is in the shop. Rockin the Nissan Altima rental. Still can't get over my paranoid feeling that there's a contingent of bad LA drivers out to get me. I think I'm becoming a California native slowly, but surely. Here are your highlights: Syria has used "chemical weapons" -- faint smell of the Clinton years Bush Library opens, has everyone forgotten already how bad of a president he truly was? The idea that he gets a library instead of a trial makes me a bit queazy. Kinds of Crazy The cost of being Iron Man 3 Gun debate is barely being debated GOP still going after Obamacare , still not creating jobs. They literally are getting paid to do nothing. Chow!

Ninja Thought

Joseph Smith Ninja I am Frank Chow and I approved this message

Get Your Dunkin Wednesday

Yesterday was excellent...except I had a little too much beer. I'll share some pics later. I've gotta spend this morning getting the car checked out. Here are your highlights: The odd ricin case , Elvis is free Friends on the East Coast! Kollaboration New York auditions People on Terrorism Watch List Not Blocked from Buying Guns -- Uhhhhmerica! Photopshop mailer check, photoshop out minorities double-check How the Redskins can sign their draft picks The Right-Wing mindset as so eloquently displayed by Rush Limbaugh NASA for the win! Chow!

Get Your Dunkin Tuesday

The wife is home. The beer can now flow! I kid. Today, a couple of us from work are heading to the Bruery for a tour and tasting. It's one of those cool perks one gets when working for a purveyor of alcoholic beverages. I'll be sure to take a lot of pictures. In other news, I was up way too late writing last night. I'm starting to have achieve a nice pattern in my writing. Yes, I lack sleep, but for some reason it works for me. I'm hoping with diligence I can make big things happen. Cuz, hey "we do big things!" Here are your highlights: Early Thinking: The bombing suspects worked on their own Austerity is stupid and people speak in Gibberish to defend it The Right attack Newtown families and Gabby Giffords - classy Finally, Max Baucus to retire , his legacy will be that of being a puppet for the health care industry California Legalize Marijuana now Cool article about LA's Koreatown Chow!

Get Your Dunkin Monday

(I'm obsessed with this song right now. Might even see the movie because of the soundtrack) Well we made it to Monday. How's everyone feeling? Hopefully rested. I'd like to say I accomplished a lot, I did okay. The pages are coming slowly, but surely. The wife comes back from her trip today, so I must clean before work. Duty calls! Here are your highlights: Boston, the investigation continues , were there more attacks planned? Oh look Maureen Dowd is wrong even to an editor of the NRO My friend Ben likes beer and he writes about it Boxing Round Up The futility of blaming Islam Conservative economist will soon by considered an oxymoron This should be said tirelessly -- "Not an Enemy Combatant" Chow!

Mid-Day Update

I drop off the wife at the airport at 6am this morning, went back to bed and slept in. I have no desire to be glued to the tv all day. This has been a dark week, however we've had many bright spots where we're reminded of our human heart. I hope everyone remains safe, no one else gets hurt and we bring this week to closure sooner than later. Here are your highlights: One Boston Suspect At-Large Pacific Arts Movement Spring Showcase April 18-25 The residents of Watertown on lockdown Alvarez v Trout  - I think Alvarez wears Trout down and pulls out a close decision Legislator from Arkansas probably shouldn't be allowed to talk, ever, again We're ruled by cowards Chow!

Get Your Dunkin Thursday

I've worked nine days in a row. This past week was inventory week and I'm exhausted hence the zero postage. Today is a celebratory day, it's my wife's birthday! Last night we went to a nearby Italian BYOB on Montana Ave, then hit up Yogurtland (one of her favorites). I've still got some tricks up my sleeves for today. Her gift should be arriving soon in the mail and tonight I'm taking her out to eat at a place we've never dined at's gonna be niiiiice. It's a tumultuous past couple of days. My thoughts and prayers are with the families of those effected by Boston, Texas and the failure of the gun control bill. We will overcome. Here are your highlights: The cowardice of the Senate and the NRA control of the Senate Starving children , the way of austerity Worst person of the day, Glenn Reynolds aka Instapundit Texas fertilizer plant hadn't been inspected CNN major fail Boston, the aftermath. Obama "A bomb can't...

Ten Years Later

It amazes me how many of these jerks still have "credibility." We should be shaming them in the public square. I am Frank Chow and I approved this message

Get Your Dunkin Thursday

Exciting fight this weekend. Hopefully I'll get off work on time to catch it. Donaire has cemented himself as the best Filipino fighter on the planet. Sorry Pac-Man, you're still in my heart, but this young kid is strong, fast, has better boxing skills and isn't past his prime. Nonito Donaire has to ice Rigondeaux to make a big statement. Here are your highlights: Gun Bill passes first Senate test The Republicans take Obama's budget , their own proposals and shove it back in the president's face . When will these guys get punished for their dishonesty? Rand Paul at Howard University , not good for the ole "minority outreach" thing Well, if all else fails, blame Zombies Huge recall for car air bags , Toyota and Honda. Be safe people! Chow!

Get Your Dunkin Wednesday

I've been up way too late the last couple of days writing. I'm inspired, but boy am I exhausted. I also closed at work last night and now I gotta go back in less than twelve hours later. Oh boy. I'm going to be the walking dead today. Anyone know how to shoot coffee straight to the vein? Here are your highlights: Chained CPI is just another way for people to raid Social Security The Right hates Melissa Harris-Perry now  Governor Ultrasound Movement on background checks at gun shows? Not going to hold my breath The Republicans keep moving the goal posts TNC has been simply brilliant about the new Brad Paisley song featuring LL Cool J. His latest Against the "Conversation on Race" is excellent. Chow!

Get Your Dunkin Tuesday

My laptop is acting all funky. Gonna take it easy. I think it's burnt out from all the March Madness. Tuesday's normally are no fun anyway. Harrumph. Chow!

Get Your Dunkin Monday

I had a solid weekend. Worked. Michigan won. NCAA CHAMPIONSHIP game baby! This hasn't happened since I was a kid wearing too baggy shorts and a Michigan Starter jacket. I'm not gonna lie, I picked against my own team in my bracket. Mainly because my brackets never work out the way I like, but I'm so glad I was wrong. This weekend also marked the first time I went to mass as a Catholic. It was topped off with the wife and I bringing up the gifts. A special moment for the both of us. Then I had a writer's meeting with an accomplished screenwriter to work on my pilot script and guess what? I don't suck! I'm onto something, I just need to make some slight changes, tighten somethings and should have what I want. Not too bad for a weekend, not too bad at all. Here are your highlights: Reid bluffs on the filibuster again Treasury secretary Jack Lew goes to Europe and tells them austerity is stupid -- hmm, shouldn't we be saying the same thing to ourselves? ...

Get Your Dunkin Friday

I've got head to work early. Pulling a clopen. Here are your highlights: Obama's risky budget proposal Soon it will be out of place to be an anti-gay marriage Senator Cabinet members take pay cut Federal Judge strikes down restrictions on morning-after pill GO BLUE! Trey Burke wins Wooden Award RIP Roger Ebert , you were one of a kind and you will be missed. Two thumbs up! Chow!

Get Your Dunkin Thursday

It's Thursday already? I've have a mild week. Work, training new people, running the store and well trying to get my agent to work for me. I'll be switching representation in May no matter what happens this month. I'm writing and hopefully I will be able to share new projects in the summer. Yes, you will finally get to see me in action. And by action I mean zero parkour and zero martial arts. I'm a ninja, I don't show off like that! Here are your highlights: Conn. passes gun control law White supremacists suspected in Colorado killing  I believe our children are the future, take their lunches away if they can't pay ...wait what?! Initial jobs claims explained Arrested Development returns on May 26th "Chink's" sign comes down, local outrage is just as stupid and racist as you would expect New James Blake song Chow!

Get Your Dunkin Wednesday

Work work work. Here are your highlights: New York city of corruption So about that whole separation church and state -- North Carolina is trying to take to another level Why we get nowhere in the gun control debate The Redskins and retention The ever unpopular and shrinking Republican party Chow!

Get Your Dunkin Tuesday

I'm back! It was a special Lent season for me as some of you know. On Saturday I was finally baptized,  confirmed and received first communion at St. Monica's. I am now a Catholic. The journey was trying at times, frustrating even, but my faith only grew stronger. It probably seems odd that someone my age and during these times would decide to become Catholic...on paper sure I can understand that. For me though it made perfect sense. After being baptized I felt a weight lift off my shoulders, I feel young again, full of hope and focus -- all of which can be contributed to my faith. I can't thank those of you who offered support enough. I'm truly blessed with an amazing family (sis drove from San Diego to sit through a three and half hour mass). A special thanks to Paddy K for his guidance and patience as I worked through the journey. And a very special thank you to my wife, my sponsor who without which I wouldn't be half the man I am today. If anyone has questions o...

Rand Paul is an Idiot

This needs to be said * headslamondesk (ninja vanish) I am Frank Chow and I approved this message

Taking a Break

I've been taking a bit of a break from the blog the past week or so. Some good things have been happening. Mostly, though, it's been rather negative all over the media of late. As part of my Lent I'm trying to block out the noise as best as I can. I still use Twitter daily for the most part -- can't quit it and yes I can be negative on it -- I'm weak like anybody else. Rock on. I am Frank Chow and I approved this message

Get Your Dunkin Friday

Yesterday was a nice Hallmark day. The wife surprised me with a gift of Willett Family Estate Single Barrel Rye . It's mighty nice. I gifted her a scarf from one her favorite stores and made a delicious (if I do so say myself) scallop and italian sausage pasta dish. Recipe available upon request ;) On another note I disabled comments a while back because I was getting too much spam. If anyone knows how to bring that option back in this here archaic interface let me know! Or email me frank.chow.pundit - gmail. Thanks buddies! Here are your highlights: Illinois Senate passes gay marriage legislation!!  Yesterday a meteor hit Russia, 9 videos capture the moment Chris Cillizza everything that's wrong with our media Let's get a love shack baby Happy Blogiversary to Angry Asian Man In a time of war -- the GOP blocks the nominee for Secretary of Defense Ladies and gentlemen, SENATOR ELIZABETH WARREN Chow!

Get Your Dunkin Thursday

I woke up this morning to some clinking and clamoring in the kitchen. The next thing I knew I was presented with dark chocolate pancakes in bed. Sometimes these Hallmark holidays work out in a man's favor. I'm truly a lucky guy. Hope your Valentine's Day goes just as well! Here are your highlights: Encouraging jobs report The GOP has gone overboard, Trouble for Hagel nomination Tesla v. the NYT A love song by Rhye Pelosi House Speaker again? Whimsical bridge A new documentary, Don't Stop Believin' Chow!

Get Your Dunkin Wednesday

I have to work all day. We have a corporate visit -- oh joy! But I do have an hour or so to share with you today's highlights with a couple of positives as Lent has begun. This is gonna be tough! Here are your highlights: Watching the State of the Union with Undocumented Immigrants  - we rarely hear this story Nom nom Valentine's Day recipes Summing up the right-wing A newly designed IPA glass , sounds like just what I need at home MARCO RUBIO GIF! The battle over minimum wage begins -- I'm kind of baffled this is even a discussion. $9 is nearly impossible to live off of, let alone support a family. Are our corporate overlords that vindictive...? If it's the starting off point to maybe increase hard working folks hourly wage, it'd be great. Also too, golden parachutes for everyone Chow!

Fat Tuesday

I was going to do a Dunkin, but I felt most everything being posted today was about the same couple of things; the Pope, State of the Union and Ted Nugent. As many of you know this is the beginning of a special Lent for me, at the end of it, I'll be baptized and confirmed into the Catholic Church. I'll probably be all over the map emotionally, however part of Lent is finding peace throughout the 40 days. As a part of my Lent, this blog will become more positive. It is often easy to get wrapped up in all the negative that swirls about us. We tend to point out differences, rage about our opponents and forget that there's good in this world. It'll be tough for me, I won't lie, Frank loves to rage...I will still probably rage -- nobody's perfect. Today, though is Fat Tuesday, so I'll indulge in some gluttony -- started the morning off with pizza -- and remind all of you tonight, during the President's State of the Union, to play whichever drinking game m...

Get Your Dunkin Friday

It's been a busy busy week. We have a big sale on at work and I've been working 6am to 4pm pretty much the past couple of days. I'm exhausted...on top of that I decided, like the genius I am, to begin working out four days a week. No pain no gain. Here are your highlights: Ahead of the SOTU Teachers Unions pushing to the president support voter rights The manhunt for Christopher Dorner , crazy ex-cop and cops shooting the wrong people... Childhood awesome, Calvin & Hobbes A huge blizzard on its way to the East Coast On drones and self-defense Duke University Kappa Sigma "Asian" party , racist and not funny. I knew I hated Duke for more than one reason. On a similar note, a customer came into work the other day and two white women told me they were having a "China" party at work. They asked me for Chinese beer and anything to mix that would be "Chinese." It took everything in my personal being not to ask them what they meant by...

All of the Lights, All of the Lights

Something constructive likely won't come out of the Super Bowl outage. Like oh say, infrastructure's kind of pathetically predictable at this point. Bonddad brings us a truck load of depressing facts: There was a 30 minute black out during the Super Bowl last night, which seems like an appropriate time to bring up the terrible state of the US' infrastructure. Here's the report card of the US' infrastructure: Aviation D Bridges C Dams D Drinking Water D- Energy D+ Hazardous Waste D Inland Waterways D- Levees D- Public Parks and Recreation C- Rail C- Roads D- Schools D Solid Waste C+ Transit D Wastewater D- America's Infrastructure GPA: D Estimated 5 Year Investment Need: $2.2 Trillion Would this be a great way to lower unemployment and get the economy moving again? It did work for China, after all. But teh deficit and teh inflation are ruining our future. Also too, We're Number 1! We're Number 1! I am Frank ...

Get Your Dunkin Monday

It was wild wild one. A game to remember for its utter absurdity and its tension filled finish. Man, I'm gonna miss football! Congrats to the Ravens the game played out close to how I thought it would...except for the blackout. What an odd Super Bowl story, but hey it's the NFL! Time for my man RG3 to get healthy and rocket back to the playoffs. Here are your highlights: John Harbaugh and the Ravens White House AAPI will be in Houston on February 23rd Going Godwin The new GOP strategy "Extortion politics" Man spends 7 years drawing an incredible maze Howard Kurtz sucks -- more defense of the right-wing media And the best news, Robert Griffin III wins the NFL Offensive Rookie of the Year !! It wasn't even close and a much deserved accomplishment for the young QB. A quick and healthy recovery to RG3! Chow!

Get Your Dunkin Thursday

I need a new job, anybody have any leads? Here are your highlights: For Asian-Americans, Immigration Backlogs a Major Hurdle The GOP still has a "47 percent" problem U.S. sues over AB-InBev take over of Modelo John McCain has been wrong about everything, but go ahead and give him more show time I stick with the term gun fetishists  Eliminate the field goal in football?  Chow!

Even China Hates the New York Times Paywall

No, really . File this under -- shit you just can't make up. I am Frank Chow and I approved this message

Get Your Dunkin Tuesday

I'm jamming out to the new Tegan and Sara. Heading to work. Here are your highlights: The Immigration Debate , anyone saying "amnesty" is an asshole Hillary is going to be Super SNES coffee table , don't tell the Mrs. UK continues to prove Austerity doesn't work Big news in Hollywood, Kevin Tsujihara becomes new CEO of Warner Bros.   -- although I doubt anything will really change for Asian-Americans in terms of characters, narrative and opportunities. Have you seen the trailer for the new Gerard Butler film... Chow!

Ninja Thought

Appease not those who will never be satisfied I am Frank Chow and I approved this message

Get Your Dunkin Monday

The wife is off on a work trip, so I'm in SM alone -- writing -- and then working. This weekend was not long enough. I'm beginning to look for new work with hopes of finding a similar schedule where I can keep auditioning and such. Over the weekend I tried the impossible -- I tried to watch the Sunday Shows...I lasted a whole 30 seconds before I wanted to throw the tv through the window. Needless to say I quickly turned on a movie and saved myself the pain. Here are your highlights: Immigration reform has movement , the problem? It's still being done in archaic fashion. Climate Change -- we're looking at it being "far worse" The insular Republican world Gun nuts are nutty Lucas Matthysse made a statement, who's next? Red State America - profits on the backs of those with no health insurance -- awesome... Chow!

Get Your Dunkin Thursday

I've got work. Enjoy these links! Here are your highlights: Senate GOP meet John Kerry Enough of this Beyonce non-troversy, Shakesville Advice to the World Flip it and get away! License plate flipper A look at the choices for the Republicans in 2016 I appear on the latest episode of the Matthew Filipowicz Show around minute 34:00. Please support the show and become a member if you can. AAPI IN THE HOUSE!! Chow!

Mid-Day Update

I slept in apologies. Tonight the wife and I are attending the LA Art Show premiere party. We're excited to be attending this classy and unique event. Two newly made friends were kind enough to invite us and we couldn't say no. Granted, I'm going to feel a bit poor and maybe a bit out of place, but I'm always okay playing pretend. Plus we get to view a ton of amazing art, something the Mrs. and I enjoy and don't get to do often enough. Here are your highlights: Hillary Clinton talks Benghazi and it gets a bit heated Rep. Paul Broun needs to re-read the Constitution Obama GOAT? Steve M. thinks the Right is gonna run with Hillary soundbites GOP really doesn't have a hand to play debt or budget wise Excellent article by ESPN about the "Lost Super Bowl Heroes." One of them Ricky Sanders Chow!

Get Your Dunkin Tuesday

Visit for breaking news , world news , and news about the economy I worked yesterday morning. Then I head to church for my weekly meeting. I wasn't feeling it when I walked in and then Monsignor chatted with me. It was a normal and most basic of conversations, but him simply asking about my day, my wife and family was exactly what I needed. A lot is happening in March with me. I'm excited and it's the littlest moments that make the journey so special. As for inauguration day, the second time is much sweeter. Not nearly as celebratory, but more so satisfying. America is changing. We started the ball rolling. There is a lot of work to do I know...let's just remember we won't see this many firsts in sometime. I can now look forward to the inevitable election of our first Asian-American president, our first female president, our first Latino president, our first gay president and the list goes on. Will these all be in my lifetime? I hope so and for on...