Fat Tuesday

I was going to do a Dunkin, but I felt most everything being posted today was about the same couple of things; the Pope, State of the Union and Ted Nugent. As many of you know this is the beginning of a special Lent for me, at the end of it, I'll be baptized and confirmed into the Catholic Church. I'll probably be all over the map emotionally, however part of Lent is finding peace throughout the 40 days.

As a part of my Lent, this blog will become more positive. It is often easy to get wrapped up in all the negative that swirls about us. We tend to point out differences, rage about our opponents and forget that there's good in this world. It'll be tough for me, I won't lie, Frank loves to rage...I will still probably rage -- nobody's perfect.

Today, though is Fat Tuesday, so I'll indulge in some gluttony -- started the morning off with pizza -- and remind all of you tonight, during the President's State of the Union, to play whichever drinking game makes you feel most patriotic!


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