Get Your Dunkin Friday

Yesterday was a nice Hallmark day. The wife surprised me with a gift of Willett Family Estate Single Barrel Rye. It's mighty nice. I gifted her a scarf from one her favorite stores and made a delicious (if I do so say myself) scallop and italian sausage pasta dish. Recipe available upon request ;) On another note I disabled comments a while back because I was getting too much spam. If anyone knows how to bring that option back in this here archaic interface let me know! Or email me frank.chow.pundit - gmail. Thanks buddies!

Here are your highlights:

Illinois Senate passes gay marriage legislation!! 

Yesterday a meteor hit Russia, 9 videos capture the moment

Chris Cillizza everything that's wrong with our media

Let's get a love shack baby

Happy Blogiversary to Angry Asian Man

In a time of war -- the GOP blocks the nominee for Secretary of Defense

Ladies and gentlemen, SENATOR ELIZABETH WARREN


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