Get Your Dunkin Monday

Nico proves Dana is the "Dick"

Short week America. Do you smell that? Four day weekend! But that also means I have to cram in some major awesome satirical and radical RAGE! This weekend was awesome as family and close friends came into the Windy City. We enjoyed the architectural tour, brew and a comedy show starring me and my art. Rock the fugg on. This week is looking to be kick azz, Laughing Liberally is Wednesday which means I will be sneaking in through the shadows to laugh ninja like at the downfalls of the Republicans, Wing Nuts and Blue Dogs oh and lots of Sanford jokes most likely....YOU SHOULD GO to the show, info can be found at Laughing Liberally.

Here are your highlights:

Inside Michael Jackson's concert that was to be, no one could perform like Michael

USA NOOOOOOOOOOOO, how did we blow a 2-0 lead at the half, oh I was Brazil, they were just trying to give themselves a challenge. Fuggggggg.

Al Franken Senator of Minnesota for the seventh time

Had a discussion last night about Global Climate Change, Krugman debunks their argument nicely and again



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