Get Your Dunkin' Thursday

Show tonight in West Dundee. West Dundee you say? Yes and it ain't no outback. Chicago is now officially the schizo girlfriend that I don't know how to break up with. Last night we had a tornado warning and I wake up today and it's perfect. "What's that dear you want to break both of my arms and tie me to the bed?" Next day..."Good morning! Here is your Dunkin and a nice breakfast sandwich." Not quite my relationship with Chicago, but close, so here ya go!

Tawain and China
might just kiss and make up

22 Awesome ways to quit your job

James McGovern asks for an Exit Strategy and gets a Veterans boost

No more "erotic services" on Craigslist, now it is the super politically correcxxx ADULT section, yep that's gonna do the trick

I might go to hell for this, but do they call this the "Rope-a-Pope"?


Credit cards can suck it

Well with all rightwing extremists of late, the DHS proves that their report was correct to cause alarm, but is pulling it comes the conservative "we told you so" machine. And Napolitano "saying its the worst thing to happen," is a sack of crap, dissappointed in the way this whole debacle was handled.

That's all for now,



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