Get Your Dunkin Thursday

Tomorrow the lady and I are heading to Disney. We both have the day off tomorrow, so why not? I have never been to Disneyland either has she, although we have both been to Disneyworld. It should be fun and since the weather has been odd in LA recently I'm thinking the crowds might be a bit lighter...let's hope. I'm kind of exhausted, working everyday for the past ten days is a bit much. Gotta do what I gotta do though.

Here are your highlights:

Obama's Honeymoon Lasted Zero Days, the hated the very idea of him from day one

Students loans, what's the deal? Basically the GOP sucks, shocking. 

Maybe just maybe people are realizing what a lot of us have been saying for a while now, Austerity is stupid and hasn't worked

Chuck Grassley support domestic violence

DRAFT DAY: Well it's on RG3 now to be the man. I'm pumped, if anyone would like season tickets let me know as I live in Cali now and can't go to games.



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