Drinking Liberally One Last Time..

Okay, not really. However tonight will be my last Drinking Liberally Chicago with the current lot of misfits, socialists and pinko scum. Coincidently, I'm not the only one who is moving, I just happen to be the first. The crew you see is a changing.

I have many a fond memory of DL. It's become something I look forward to every second and fourth Tuesday of the month. It's amazing what can occur after you cautiously sit down with a bunch of strangers. Through the power of booze and politics I found a group of people who can talk about a variety of things intellectually for hours on end. I now proudly call them friends. I can only hope that after some time in Santa Monica, I'll find friends as good as the ones I've made at Drinking Liberally.

Here's to Pints & Politics!

I am Frank Chow and I approved this message


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