Get Your Dunkin Wednesday

Hello Hump Day! This weekend Paddy and I are recording the next episode of the Trans-Atlantic Throwdown. We'll be looking back (yes Obama we look back) at the highlights of the year. Music, movies, politics and of course teh booze. You still have time to get your two cents in, send us an email, comment here or at our site. Last night was Drinking Liberally and we had a fun filled time. Apparently after drinking too much gin I started pronouncing nuclear incorrectly. Damnambit! Who knew? It was more of a chill DL considering all that is going on, but still great to see everyone and meet new people. I can't wait for this weekend...

Here are your highlights:

Giffords showing signs of improvement
, doctors are confident

A little late on this, but interesting read, Euna Lee Shares Her Incredible Story of Captivity in North Korea

It's called tactless - Joe "You Lie" Special Edition Guns...BOTH SIDES!

Booman wonders out loud about our current judicial and political system

Illinois passes an income tax increase from 3-5%. It's called being an adult, unlike our papers who call it 70%!!! INCREASE OMG!!! TAXES TAXES TAXES!!!!!!

Obama will face one of his more daunting roles. The Consoler in Chief. He will be visiting Arizona and will have to find a way to unite our country in a tumultuous time.



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