The Trans-Atlantic Throwdown

I am psyched to share with you the project I have been hyping up for a month or so...finally. The Trans-Atlantic Throwdown podcast with Paddy K and Frank Chow.

A little bit of the back story:

Paddy K and Frank Chow are two friends who go way back. About fifteen years ago, in the sprawling Virginia suburbs south of Washington, DC, a teenaged fanboy Paddy drew comic-book-inspired campaign posters for aspiring class representative Frank. What do superheroes have to do with student government? Absolutely nothing, but a strong friendship was born that day. Things have changed a lot since then: Frank studied theater and psychology in college and ended up on the stand-up comedy circuit in Chicago; Paddy studied economics, did some time in the Army, married an Irish girl and now lives in Dublin. Working as cubicle monkeys in 9 to 5 jobs, Paddy and Frank found themselves ranting at each other via Gchat on a daily basis and finally decided that rather than just typing about it, why not record the rage and share it with the internets? The Trans-Atlantic Throwdown was born.

The podcast is focused on politics, pints and underground rock.

If all goes according to plan you will be able to stream and download the first episode tomorrow morning. We are excited to start this project which will hopefully, going forward, be a weekly thing (schedules permitting).

You can listen and follow us on our site, for updates and streaming. You can also follow us on Twitter at and "Like" our Fanpage on Facebook. Eventually you will also be able to get the Trans-Atlantic Throwdown podcast from ITunes, as long as the corporate overlords find us acceptable.

Can't wait to share. Stay tuned, it's almost time to Throwdown!

I am Frank Chow and I approved this message


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