Get Your Dunkin Monday

I am weak! The lady and I had a splendid weekend, don't get me wrong, but I ate whatever was in front of me. Cupcakes? Check. Twizzlers? Check. Peanut Butter Cups? Check. Moussaka? Check and double check. And now I feel terrible, but it was SO GOOD! Aye there's the rub. After a month and half of INSANITY, the lady and threw our hands in there and were like "meh why not?" We earned it, right? Well yes we have earned, but damn do I feel guilty, so this week is going to be full on INSANITY on top of INSANITY! Honestly I can't wait to be done. Two more weeks and then I will share my results with ya'll. Thus far I have been more than satisfied and now it is a matter of kissing the gut goodbye and starting to develop a "Situation." Ok not that ridic, but seriously only.two.more.weeks.

Here are your highlights:

Food Stamps or Teachers?

If only Ben Bernanke was running the Fed...

Avoiding a retread of last August is key for Democrats

Round-Up of the Boxing and MMA weekend

You say you'd change the constitution, Well the GOP wants to

Ted Olson FOR THE WIN!

There is a deep disconnect. To the White House, to the Senate, to the House, the economist overlords, to the businessmen, to the main stream media; we don't feel the same way about the economy and this Recession as they do.



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