Get Your Dunkin Friday

Here we are Friday again! Man I wish one of these days I can wake up and say that about every day...does that make sense? Aw, fugg it. This weekend is going to be packed, multiple parties to hit up and a trip to IKEA. Yesh, I lost a bet and now I have to trek through the unknown layers of Chicago suburbia to the gigantic monster of furniture and knick knacks known as IKEA. The lady of course is ecstatic. I am sure it will be a great time staring at square tables, circular tables and couches that look comfy, but aren't...I digress. IKEA isn't all that bad because at the end of it, Frank gets some meatballs and delicious drinks that are from another country and labeled funny, so I have no idea what I am drinking, but it's gooood. Well sounds like an eventful weekend, huh?

Here are your highlights:

Louie Gohmert freaks out about "Terror Babies" (video above)

Cutting Social Security is Extreme

This is unsettling. The Rubin Con Goes On

Paralysis at the Fed

Donald say it ain't so

It is beginning. Hide your children, close your doors. It's Gaypocalypse.

Tonight is it! Redskins Pre-season baby!! HAIL TO THE REDSKINS!!! Again, if you or anybody you know is interested in tickets, I have some sweet seats and am more than willing to cut deals. I just want real fans to go. The Redskins are a second to none. I am hoping for a great season! GO SKINS!! ( I will be analyzing different aspects of the team this year as the season develops you better believe it)



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