Get Your Dunkin Monday

Well what can I say? The Redskins are on high alert of suckitude. I was going to tell you how I had a nice weekend and enjoyed the Lakeview Arts Festival, but NO the REDSKINS HAD TO LOSE TO THE FUGGIN LIONS! What the eff is Zorn doing? What the eff is Snyder going to do to Zorn? I honestly didn't get to watch the game, it was blacked out in Chicago unless you had DirectTV. So I had to follow on the lady's crackberry. Well all the shouting in the world couldn't save us from embarrassment. It will be do or die this coming Sunday as the Bucs are coming to town 0-3. If we can't make a statement, the Redskins are going to have a long long and I mean LOOONNG season. FML. What happened to the glory days?

Here are your highlights:

Chicago and inner city school violence, enough of the Daleympics, we need to fix this yesterday

Here is a little tidbit about the public option, FACTS ARE STUPID, The Public option is cheaper and popular

This guy has too much free time OF AWESOME! Beer Bike!

Let's just admit JOURNALISM IS DEAD, papers are panicked and bullied into pushing a right wing agenda because well their profession is in jeopardy. It is a sad state of affairs, when facts and logic are no longer important, the Drudge rules them and they know it



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