Illinois is Free of the Blago!

Blagojevich was impeached!!!


I mean really? Did we even need to have a trial for this loon? He should have undergone psychological analysis not an impeachment trial. The last time I heard that many F-Bombs Joe Pesci was in a hit movie. Martin Lawrence was "So Crazy" and Jose Canseco didn't do roids....okay that last one was a little stretch. (But I can do that because I rule and by rule I am able to punch through a 2 x 4 with my bare ass. That's right you thought I would say hand, but I didn't because I can do that because I rule and by rule I mean I am able to walk on water coolers. That's right I can do that because I rule and you thought I was going to say something else, but I didn't I rule and by rule I mean I made a sweet Sgt. Slaughter Snake Eyes Deathstro Mash-up character, I call Frank Chow!)

Anywho, see below for memories of the do, that did Illinois.

I am Frank Chow and I approved this message.


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