Get Your Dunkin' Friday

It's here. H-Mart in Urbana. This is a game-changer for our area. We have a couple smaller Asian markets, but nothing like an H-Mart. Plus there are food stalls! I've been reading Crying in H-Mart and it's been a great read. It taps into how much Asian culture connects with the food we make and eat. I'm headed to Chicago this weekend. Catch up with old friends and cheer on the Commanders. I hope this weekend is a nice escape for all. 

Here are your highlights:

The posthumous album of Mac Miller's "Balloonerism" has been released. 

Oligarchs in bow ties. Our nation's rich know Trump is easily influenced by big money. They now are openly using him to their advantage. Fck them all. 

New York State will close schools for the Lunar New Year. 

Ceasefire closer for Israel/Gaza. Still unsure about this. Kushner Properties the West Bank is still highly likely. 

Dems are living in the past. Until they realize this is a zero-sum game and Republicans have no plans but to go scorched earth, we're doomed. Fight back. Get in front of cameras. Stop trying to rationalize with irrational people. 

Ummmm, did no one watch Jurrasic Park?! Scientists are close to resurrecting extinct species. 

I am Frank Chow and I approve this message


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