Get Your Dunkin Tuesday

I got to sleep in. Sort of. I dropped off my lady at work this morning, then decided "Hey, it's my day off," and went back to bed. Lovely. I needed some extra z's after staying up late watching the end of Season 2 of Breaking Bad. A show that has completely blown me away thus far. I know, I know I'm well behind, but I don't have cable, so forgive me. Don't forget to listen to the latest episode of the TATPodcast. We are now actively friending people on Facebook, so hit us up, listen to our playlists on Spotify and feel free to chat when we're around!

Here are your highlights:

8-year-old confronts Michele Bachmann ever so slyly

Our media fails us. Paul Ryan is not, I repeat NOT a policy man

Pioneers from the East

New joint in LA, Le Pour Haus

Republicans clearly want to deny people to vote
. It's crystal clear at this point. From state to motherf-in state. Why do they hate Democracy so?



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