Get Your Dunkin Friday

Last night brought the ruckus. The ladies at RIOT Comedy in Chicago were kind enough to have me and some amazing comics perform. Laughter ensued. I keep telling myself I need to plan better for shows, but alas I didn't have enough time for this one and it still turned out to be fun. I will admit though...the booze probably made me feel that way. LOL. Gotta love coming to work on a Friday after rockin' a show. This weekend, is gonna be pretty chill. My lady is still in Florida, my foot still stings and boxing is on, so I think I will maybe try out a new recipe or a new micro brew. That is about it. I know I am getting old, I have learned to accept that.

Here are your highlights:

Don't Cry for Wall St.

A bailout FOR GREECE

Lt. Col Birther for teh court martial

Stay classy OH Republicans: "Put her in back in the kitchen" to Rep. Betty Sutton

Round 1 NFL Draft
: The good, the bad and the Tebow

Health care reform. Check. Financial reform. Half check. Immigration reform. Check? If you had told me this is how 2010 would look near the end of April, I would have laughed. This know nothing, do nothing, Congress and President might be worth a salt after all...



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