Better than Offshore Drilling

LA Times:

"After careful consideration of all the concerns expressed during the lengthy review and consultation process and thorough analyses of the many factors involved, I find that the public benefits weigh in favor of approving" the project, Salazar said Wednesday in Boston. "With this decision we are beginning a new direction in our nation's energy future, ushering in America's first offshore wind energy facility and opening a new chapter in the history of this region."

The Boston Globe was the first to report the administration's decision Wednesday online.

Federal approval will put Cape Wind in line to become the first U.S. offshore wind farm -- assuming it clears a flurry of lawsuits expected to follow the decision -- and set the stage for similar projects along the East Coast, the Great Lakes and Gulf of Mexico.

These things take time, in this case nine years, but this is a better direction, then say this...

I am Frank Chow and I approved this message


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