Survive the Circa

A new track is available for listening on Circa Survive's site. It is called "Imaginary Enemy."

I am one who believes Circa Survive has yet to live up to their hype. I have seen them live, purchased their releases and generally would say I have kept up to date with their happenings, all in all you could say I am fan. However, I still feel like they are missing something. I don't see what sets them apart from a million different bands. My only loyalty to them is my feigned nostalgia when I hear Anthony Green yelp. It reminds me of the potential I heard in his previous band Saosin.

After a couple of listens to "Imaginary Enemy" I feel as if Anthony Green's solo endeavors have helped Circa Survive craft better melodies in their songwriting. I have only heard two tracks off their yet to be released album, but if this is a sign of things to come I might give them a more attentive ear.

I am Frank Chow and I approved this message


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