Get Your Dunkin Wednesday

Hello world! Hello planet! Hello Hoth! The weather outside is actually quite warm. I feel like I am on a ski mountain, except the lady and I were chilling in a studio apartment instead of log cabin last night. Drinking Liberally last night as always a success, but I ate way too much food. Debate makes me hungry. What can I say? We did talk about some weird stuff; hackers, D & D, programming overlords, 1960's, and Rahmn Emanuel!!!! The dude is pure evil, or a Red Ring bearer...something like that. Still not convinced, but it was a fun time as always. Oh and WTF there was in Earthquake last night...!

Here are your highlights:

Hand Jiving and the Very Important Questions, as I said yesterday in the twitterverse everyone is allowed in on the joke....except the White House. Gosh we need to lighten up.

Carl Levin is fed up. End the Fillibuster

What's the Google Buzz, tell me what's a happenin'

One rep and his unapologetic racist quest for Obama's already discovered, seen and documented certificate of birth

Howard Kurtz EXPOSED!

Lastly found this amazing fan made trailer for a "vision" for a Green Lantern trailer. I know, I know Ryan Reynolds will be playing Hal Jordan (I am actually okay with that), but damn does this look cool. I am currently reading the "Rage of the Red Lanterns", then I am going to follow up with "Agent Orange" and then dive into "Blackest Night." I know I am behind a bit on my reading....but HOLY CRAP IS IT AWESOME!!!! Seriously one of the best stories I have read in a long time.



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