Get Your Dunkin Monday

In Exile

Thrice | MySpace Music Videos

I'm back!! Wow, what a nice and lovely vacation to Central Illinois. The lady and I had a wonderfully interesting Thanksgiving with a too too too much turkey. My stomach is still full (also honorable mention to the fried mushrooms from the Village Pub and Momma lady's cream cheese and red pepper mash potatoes). There was no Turkey Bowl this year for Frank so I can't brag about throwing six touchdown passes, but you better believe the Redskins won...oh wait. Dan Snyder I want my money back. Other than that, I don't want to be back to be honest, don't want to be here at a desk. But I am ready for debates and debacles.

Here are your highlights:

We find out tomorrow what the plan in Afghanistan is, but we need to learn from the "surge" in Iraq...of course we won't

Jobs Summit will include Krugman HOORAY!

Asshole, no other way to describe a man on food stamps calling other people free loaders

Tora Bora, we had Osama Bin Laden within our grasps and we let him go? John Kerry is so un-Uhmerikan

Health Care Debate GAME ON!

The face of rotted Washington, Evan Bayh. I have long been critical of Bayh, as Greenwald highlights Bayh is the epitome of everything wrong with the Blue Dogs and the Beltway. The best move Obama ever made was skipping over this pile of douche for VP. But the bigger issue; on Capital Hill Bayh is the norm



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