Nerd Alert: Halo Ultimate Legends, the new anime series! Now I am more of a Playstation guy, but anytime a video game goes into anime, it gives me a warm and fuzzy feeling. This looks like it has potential and could be fun to watch. Especially with major Pew Pew action, h/t to Geekologie , who once spent five hours playing Halo is his mom's basement while making out with a hot ex-cheerleader of the Dallas Cowboys. In other news show tonight and rocking out all weekend, the lady and I also got to watch Flash Forward last night, the new show on ABC. Let me tell you something WOAH! COOOOLL!! For a first episode lots to work with, some cheese, but overall I dig it. Here are your highlights: The Daleympics keeps getting more and more clear , he wants to make money for him and his friends and Daley isn't even subtle about it New Jimmy Eat World Muslim Americans will be marching for a day of prayer on Capitol Hill today , the Right is going nuts, that a) they are Muslim and b) know ...