IL Rep. Quiqley rips "Don't Ask Don't Tell"

Rep. Mike Quigley had some choice words for "Don't Ask Don't Tell" in a recent Windy City Times interview calling the act "morally repugnant." It is nice to have a politician from Illinois *cough take note WH, fighting for equal rights for the LGBT community. Quigley kind of snuck into Congress replacing the vacant seat of Rahm Emanuel, but since then he was pushed issues that effect his constituents. He has gone after "Don't Ask Don't Tell" and the White House took note of his request to have same sex unions counted in the census.

It is important to note since this weekend Chicago will be holding its annual Gay Pride Parade and it is most likely to be the biggest yet. New local community organizations are participating and even an elementary school is marching in the parade. Quigley is doing what is right here, supporting a part of the community that does many great things locally. He also feels it is only a matter of time till the repeal of DOMA and "Don't Ask Don't Tell":

MQ: I do think so. I do have faith that we're going in that direction. What I've learned in 27 years of politics is that sometimes you win because you have more than one reason or sound argument supporting you. I would like to appeal to someone's conscience that “Don't Ask, Don't Tell” is morally repugnant; [ repealing that ] will succeed.

With others, you gotta sell them something else, too. Like with the Arabic translators who were [ discharged under DADT ] : That makes us less safe. Jon Stewart said, “ [ So it was OK to waterboard a guy over 80 times, but God forbid the guy who could understand what that prick was saying has a boyfriend. ] ” Eventually, our country does the right thing—but sometimes it takes them longer than it should.

Notice he referenced the Daily Show...ha! Gotta love that, he also goes on about how Congress both Dems and Repubs take the LGBT vote for granted:

I think some people think, “Well, I gave you that. That should hold you for four years.” In some cases here, they just want [ the LGBT community ] to go away. They're like, “Hey, I just barely got here. I'm from a conservative district so please keep these votes away from me.” I'm sure that's what they're telling their administrations: “Don't make me vote on ‘Don't Ask, Don't Tell' or DOMA.” We voted to impeach a federal judge who sexually assaulted his workers in his courtroom. Two of the Republicans both said unbelievably ridiculous things like, “Maybe his orientation was different.” As badly as some Democrats take the vote for granted, some Republicans have been beyond contemptible—although some Republicans don't take the vote for granted.

I think that sums it up quite nicely. Quigley understands there are inalienable rights, these are people and it is time for a change. As Nettelhorst Elementary says, "We believe family means everybody."

Proud member of The Windy Citizen

I am Frank Chow and I approved this message.

P.S. He is also a Cubs fan, rock on.


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