Get Your Dunkin' Wednesday

Last night the lady was a little sick so we stayed inside and watched the debacle that is the Real Housewives of New Jersey. Fake boubies, spoiling children and all out RAGE! It was like watching an entire family meltdown up close, but you do not have to comfort your lady when all the shizz hits the fan. Fuggin' awesome. I must say, although I was quite disappointed about the Cross-Town series being postponed and as much as I find these shows terrible for glorifying money, tackiness and in fighting...Teresa flipping out was just about the best thing I have seen on teevee all year.

Here are your highlights:

Sammy Sosa, a juicer? By now no one should be surprised, but if it was allowed, then why is it called cheating...Proof yet again baseball has not been America's sport for years. It is about time they just printed the list and get the scandal done with.

The "Holy Grail" of torture

FINALLY, you can have an Optimus Prime head

LGBT community keep putting the President's feet to the fire, it works- this is an open acknowledgment that is a small step and needs to point to a growing understanding. It is about equal rights.

Free Market Fairies

Mexico and COCAINE SHARKS!!!!

Republican Family Values Tour
and is anyone else tired of the "Support the Troops" load of crap from the Right?

The abyss hits Adobe, FedEx and some say we need to do more. We just received news not too long ago that the building my company resides in might go into foreclosure. Slowly, but surely over the past year we have seen companies get up and move out. The buildings first floor offices are vacant. The building amenities have lessened and it is clear in the surrounding buildings as well, this is far from over.



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