Get Your Dunkin Thursday

via bold progressives

This week has been busy, hence the shorter posts and sporadic topic switches. At least this weekend I get to hang out with old friends and family. It is also a relief knowing your weekend will be a little bit slower than your week. I have a show tomorrow, ALL ASIAN (wink, wink), cousin is coming into town and a guy who called me his "best man" will also be gracing Chicago. Speaking of Chicago, it is HOT! Summer is here and it is not going away like Sanford on a Argentine Nekkid Appalachian weekend. Hooah!

Here are your highlights:

FBI arrests blogger
for being a gun nut in hysteria, mark this under "when blogging gets trigger happy"

Pothead "Dude what are those blobs in space?" Scientist "I do not know, let me find out"

Mousavi's wife is making a statement in the protests in Iran
, women have a voice too

When you turn on the locals news in Chicago, this is what you see too often, 9 year-old shot in drive-by

Another Green shoot, I mean shot down in the economy

A movie, about Facebook- straight to teevee!

In the weird, a moon on Saturn might have life

Weaponized Keynesianism- h/t A Moveable Feasta Krugman highlights Frank highlighting what Krugman pointed out month ago. It is the "Old Potomac Two Step", Reagan was king of it and they continue his word play. The truth is no one, not even the military benefits from the F-22 except for the company lobbying to keep it alive. It reminds me of this goes... we throw away perfectly useful equipment with old Naval ships just so we can sink the ships intact....oh wait



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