GOP Bold New Strategy

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Republicans today announced in a bold political move that their latest strategy for America during the economic crisis is nothing. Absolutely nothing.

The new slogan released by the RNC is geared toward the urban and street demographic,
with hopes to appeal to their base as well new recruits.

John Boehner called it a "political circus," and a new step for the movement of Republicans everywhere.

"It's about letting the government back off and let this heap of crap work itself out. I mean we really don't know what to do, so why lie?" said Eric Cantor, Minority Whip from Virginia.

Strategist from both sides are torn about how this will appeal with anyone, but the party is happy especially Rush Limbaugh, " I have been saying this for years, if you don't have a college degree like myself, it's better not to pretend you do. " Rush then lost his train of thought because of a hot dog stand nearby.

More updates to come as this story develops.


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