Annie, We Got Guns!
Freedom Works has an awesome post; I mean the best post I have ever read by a blogger. Why? Because they are talking about Real-Americans getting guns. You see, Real-Americans go to Wal-Mart to buy guns and talk about ammunition tendencies of other Real-Americans. Real-Americans of course are people who actively take up arms like the Constitution states even guns that they don’t need but have fun toting like Real-Americans James Adkisson or Dannie Roy Baker . But why are so many people buying guns? Well as I posted before fear of Obama . Yep they are fearful of their rights to carry guns and ammunition they need to further the protection of their own paranoia. Apparently they don’t read . See this is a Founding Father’s idea of gun. Pew Pew This is a fuggin abomination. See the difference. (if you do awesome you pass go and collect my undying loyalty if not probably because you have to even supe-up a fuggin bow and arrow, really ? To kill a deer? Are you at all seeing the irony in ma...