Get Your Dunkin' Tuesday

 It's here. The Orange Menace will speak to the nation. Six weeks into his chaotic and tumultuous second term. If any Democrat claps for anything he says, primary them. Norms and decorum don't matter anymore. Disrupt. Distract. Disengage. It will drive Trump nuts. I'm not sure I'll be able to watch the whole thing. I can't listen to him talk for over five minutes without throwing shoes at the television, to those who can, I salute you. 

Here are your highlights:

I want to live in this home.

TARIFFS FOR ALL. Truly one of the dumbest economic choices in a long time. 

Israel keeps on war criming

People watched Jurassic Park and learned nothing. Woolly Mouse.

Ending the Department of Education.

Rwanda and the Congo. The next great African war?

I am Frank Chow and I approve this message


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