Get Your Dunkin' Monday

 It's getting warmer! Oh hell yeah. Not sure how long this will last, but the sun is out and it might get up to 70 this week. What the what?! It's amazing how seasonal depression is a thing here. I hate it. I try everything to not be blue during the winter, but it's damn hard. Heck, when we lived in the Bay Area weather wasn't even discussed. We just went about our day cuz it was always nice out. Maybe sometimes too hot. Can't complain anymore. I'm a weather person now. Damn you, Central Illinois. 

Here are your highlights:

Canada strikes back with a new Prime Minister

Republicans are planning to sell our public lands. I can see it now, welcome to Trump Yosemite. Where you can stay amongst bulldozed trees and tar-filled hot springs. 

Right-wing violence is fueling more unhinged violence. Only in America. 

ICE arrests Palestinian activist. Because nothing matters anymore. Full on Gestapo. 

Leave trans folks alone. Activist justices weigh in

Trump is tanking the economy. And the media is simply accepting it. We know if Biden said a recession was coming they'd be screaming for his head. 

I am Frank Chow and I approve this message


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