Get Your Dunkin' Friday

 I'm teaching another wine class tonight. Why did I double-book again?! I'm so tired. Next year I swear I'm going to schedule around daylight savings time. No classes. It's too much. Is anyone else exhausted all week? Or is that every week now? 

Protests are popping up locally. People are pissed. This is good. This is the way. More please. 

Here are your highlights:

Fuck Chuck Schumer. Retire. The only leverage the Dems had and he pissed it away. 

We're not quite recessiony enough.

I'll never understand the Trump obsession with Greenland. But Greenland is taking it seriously. 

Reminder. Here's what America looked like before the EPA

Republicans are getting destroyed at town halls. Gotta love it.

Storms are brewing, and there is a chance of tornadoes in Central Illinois. I live on the third floor. It's fun times. The potential magnitude of this storm could affect 100 million people in the US. It's comforting to know that the Republican Party hates FEMA. 

I am Frank Chow and I approve this message


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