Get Your Dunkin Thursday

(in case you missed it)

Alright, so I should have time today to edit and bring you the epic TATPodcast 2011 Best of Episode. Apologies for being so behind, but this episode is a monster and I've been working like a dog. Next week the lady and I will be in Chicago for wedding schtuff. I'm excited to get back, oh and enjoy restaurant week! We're hitting up and old favorite Blue13 and trying out a Sable Kitchen & Bar...maybe one more if we have time. Gonna hate wearing a winter coat though. Chi-City!

Here are your highlights:

Bishops to over-reach? At this point, and it has been for some time, it's clear the Catholic Bishops are more than a religious organization. They should be treated as such.

Hey Congress, don't mess up the economy! 

Gulf of Mexico to the "Gulf of America"? *Headtodesk

Yup, Rick Santorum is crazy

A little laugh



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