Get Your Dunkin Monday

Apologies folks for the late post. I was flying over the country this morning. The lady and I after 10 days in Chicago are back in good ole Santa Monica. Unfortunately the sun didn't greet us here when we landed. Oh well, it's better than snow, right?! I've got a busy week ahead of me; work, interview, recording skits and hopefully writing a ton. After watching the Oscars last night I was inspired to try to push through some recent lulls in my writing. Hopefully Hollywood is ready for "the Artist 2: More Arty" (title a work in progress).

Here are your highlights:

Hoyer working for "deficit reduction", WE WANT JOBS YOU IDIOT!

What is Ron Paul up to?

Mitt Romney pushed to reject his best accomplishment

In Arizona they're all about conservative compassion 

Your Liberal Media, if this is any indicator of how the election will go...Obama better be prepared to bring everything he's got.



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