Get Your Dunkin Thursday

And I'm back! Apologies for being away for so long. The play went swimmingly, I didn't flub my lines, it was fun and the play was well received by audiences. In all honesty I wish it was still going, but a short run is a short run. Best of all I met some cool people who I hope to keep working and hanging out with. SUCCESS! I'm excited for 2012 where more opportunities await. Once I get a pic or two I'll put them up of the cast! In other breaking/amazing/kick-ass news Paddy K and Frank Chow (me) are returning to your ear buds with the TATPodcast. Yup, we're coming back with a looser format, tons of music and our course banter. We're recording today, look out for the next rockin episode!

Here are your highlights:

Occupy Wall St. marks two months with a march on Wall St.

Stop Censorship of the Internet

Nancy Pelosi for the WIN!

Splatter super heroes

The GOP created a monster they can't control and it's on full display during each presidential debate

URGENT: Help a fellow blogger, StrangeAppar8us. Sad news from Rumproast, if you can help in any way visit Rumproast. StrangeAppar8us is in our thoughts and prayers.



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