Get Your Dunkin Thursday
I need time to write. I'm almost done with my first draft of another pilot and need time to sit down and focus for a couple of hours....maybe next week? So far the move to Santa Monica has been most helpful in my writing. I wrote only short skit scripts and stand-up, maybe a song or two. Being here I've written a comedic pilot, almost done with a sci-fi one and have an outline for a movie. Call me inspired, I don't know, but even with two jobs this has been my earliest take away. Hopefully next week I'll get more time to finish one script and start another!
Here are your highlights:
The long-term unemployed, Chart of the Day
Pat Buchanan still has a job
Economic signs are up and down
That Obama always campaigning and reigning down teh truth
Occupy Wall St., the 99% are right and last night Occupy Oakland escalated with flashbangs and more tear gas. It's almost as if authorities are coaxing protesters to become violent or baiting them to retaliate....don't.