Get Your Dunkin Monday

Wow. What a holiday weekend. I had to work, but yesterday I had a day off and was able to watch my Redskins eek out a win. Phew. Can't remember the last time we won in Seattle. My thumb is beginning to feel better which is a plus, I get my stitches out in a little over a week. I'm starting to figure out how to operate without the use of my thumb, but it's still tough. This week should be just like the rest...counting down till the next Holiday!

Here are your highlights:

Rep. Barney Frank to retire
, hope he's replaced by someone similar

The sudden surge of Gingrich is sad

The poor poor corporations want us to play violins for their own hiring issues

Redskins Win with the help of a banner day by rookie Roy Helu

Alvarez knocks out Cintron...calls out Mayweather
. Not so fast coddled, young cub.

A chart for your eyes to burn! Morgan Stanley and the Fed. Next time a banker whines to you, or complains about socialism, ask them how they feel and rationalize this, but NOT taxing the filthy rich. It's a monster we've created.



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