Get Your Dunkin Monday

It's was a great weekend with the family. We got dim sum on Saturday, pre-gamed at my sister's place for the USC/Stanford game, watched the game WHAT A GAME and then yesterday got together in our hood to watch the Skins stink. But all was okay considering I was with family. I miss them already. This week is pretty darn busy and I think I'm going to start looking for different work. Why? I want to make more working less hours, that's why. Last day of the Fall Fund Drive. Thanks to all who've helped along the way!

Here are your highlights:

5 observations from the Bills v Redskins game

How Republicans hate (D)emocracy

Occupy Wall St. changing the conversation

Sad but true, Asian-Americans most bullied ethnic group in schools

Wallpapers for your desktop

Michelle Obama the "angry black woman" is the new meme on the Right. It's getting desperate, could it be the GOP is starting to panic about 2012 already?!


Fall Fund Drive: Please donate if you can & thank you for being awesome!


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