Get Your Dunkin Monday

It was a roller coaster of a weekend. I feel pretty exhausted, but yesterday was nice and offered some much needed hope despite the Redskin's loss. I'm working doubles the beginning of the week and then my family comes into town. We're going to watch USC play Stanford, eat Chinese food and enjoy some booze. Looking forward to it. I need a stay-cation.

Here are your highlights:

Is Herman Cain really running for president?

They aren't going anywhere, Occupy Wall St. continues steady and strong

The unhelpful lionization of small business

Romney would be a repeat of Bush

We're a Culture, Not a Costume

Quick hit analysis of yesterday's Redskins game. Beck played a solid game, the defense was the surprising let down. And yes I think Cam Newton is legit.


Fall Fund Drive: Please donate if you can & thank you for being awesome!


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