Get Your Dunkin Friday

Well I'm beat. We did our first dinner shift at a bar in Hollywood last night. It rocked, it rolled and it was fun. A couple of my buddies showed up and that was doubly awesome. We stayed open late, so I got home around 2 in the morning. It's like being on a moving restaurant! This weekend we're excited as the truck was invited to the Abbot Kinney Festival in Venice. So this Sunday 10-6, come on by and say "Hello!" Also starting today and running for a month I'll have the "Donate" button below each post. It's the Fall fund drive. I love writing this blog and will continue, if you could be so kind and make a donation to keep Frank eating and raging : ) it be much appreciated. We've got a big year coming up and I'd love to expand what I do here. With your help that can be possible. Thanks and all my love.

Here are your highlights:

Rick Perry looking perrty terrible right now. Now walking back the whole Social Security is Unconstitutional nonsense. Welcome to the big leagues, Rick!

America's Failing Infrastructure
, if you complain about your crappy roads, here's why

New music video for the cutest couple/band, Mates of State "Palomino"

LA County approves transportation jobs

Uh-oh, looks like someone is in trouble: UK lawyers to start News Corp legal action in U.S.

Conservatives Hit Panic Button, apparently while I was working last night there was a GOP debate...and it didn't look too good. Not good at all to the point where it seems the GOP is worried about there chances having a candidate who doesn't sound completely nuts. Who would have thought? OH AND THE CROWD BOOED A GAY SOLDIER!


Fall Fund Drive: Please donate if you can & thank you for being awesome!


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