Scare The Hell Out of Them

Today is full on Carmageddon, but as many predicted it's not as bad as the story that was being fed to us.

LA Times:

As Angelenos braced themselves for a potential "Carmageddon" traffic nightmare this weekend as the 405 Freeway closed for construction, travelers at Los Angeles International Airport said Saturday morning said that although they had prepared for the worst, they had not been delayed by the shutdown.

Vakisha Coleman, who was set to catch an 8:50 a.m. flight to Hawaii, said she and a friend were ready to leave Encino at 4:30 a.m. to avoid "Carmageddon," but after checking the news and seeing no reports of major problems, didn't end up leaving until 6 a.m.

That's still about 45 minutes earlier than she typically would have left, Coleman said, but she ran into no trouble on her route. Coleman said she took the 101 Freeway to Sepulveda Boulevard, where she exited, and then moved to the 405 when southbound ramps were available to enter again.

"It was a breeze," Coleman said of her 30-minute drive.

All we heard were nightmare scenarios, so with a little planning and the other half of the city not driving whatsoever; there were no issues today...thus far. All of this of course would be less dramatic if they could figure out proper public transit. *Le Sigh

I am Frank Chow and I approved this message


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