Get Your Dunkin Wednesday

Today is a big day for this ole blog, I'll let you know all about when I can, but it's something I'm proud of for sure. Yesterday was spent recording voice over work for potential spots. Our place has an odd back alley. For some reason it attracts people who make cow noises, weed wackers and a slew of big loud trucks. Needless to say recording audio can test your patience. If anyone knows any tricks to make my living room a little more sound proof...without offending my lady hit me up. Kind of important.

Here are your highlights:

Boehner v Reid, whose is bigger? Regardless both are tragically misguided

Norway terrorist was a Pam Geller fan

Debt Ceiling Debacle Must Reads

Sad sad and *Le Sigh, we live in a country where Politics trumps Economics

Right Extremism

Football is back and starting with a ton of moves. My Redskins well it's been a debacle, but Donovan McNabb looks to be going to the Vikings....we resigned Santana Moss and picked up Dante Stallworth? Leave it to the Redskins to throw in some more random and named personnel. HTTR!

Chow !


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