Get Your Dunkin Tuesday

As you can see below Paddy K and I recorded TAT yesterday and it was a smashing good time to be talking again. I hope to have it wrapped up sooner than later, but with guests and future in-laws being here it's all up in the air. (I know sad excuse Frank!) We're excited to share it with you, the format is going to be a bit tighter going forward and a little more free form. And this of course means more selling out. I'm okay with it, that's what people do when they relocate to Cali, they sell out.

Here are your highlights:

Obama to unveil withdrawal of some troops from Afghanistan
, shouldn't have taken this long

Cool stuff, the Origin of the Good Humor Bar

Enjoy Your Mass Extinction

Mormons they are saving those who didn't ask for it, famous and all

Chart of the Day, Medicare for All you stupid Congresspeoples

This is a story many of you know, the Long Path to Citizenship for Asian-Americans. This article is more personal, but it's good the US is recognizing they have a major communication and systematic roadblock



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