Get Your Dunkin Monday

Well it was a fun and a relaxing weekend. The lady and I went to the beach, did some basic shopping and watched a ton of Travel Channel on Netflix. Bizarre Foods, No Reservations, Dhani Tackles the Globe and one for the lady Bridget's Sexiest Beaches...I didn't mind. This week is full of meetings, random trips to the DMV (don't get me started on that hell hole) and hopefully gigs. Next week we will be on vacation in North Carolina for my cousin's wedding. Dude. Gonna. Be. Epic. Don't forget we posted Episode 8 of TAT, take a listen we'll be back in a couple of weeks with more!

Here are your highlights:

Karl Rove still the shadowy corrupter will begin bashing Obama to the tune of $20 million

A win for the gamers, Supreme Court strikes down violent video game ban

Yup Drudge still hates black people

Holy Armageddon! Asteroid to barely miss Earth

Pitchfork Bon Iver Review

In one of the oddest stories of the professional sports year, Dodgers file for bankruptcy



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